Frequently asked questions

Have questions? We‘ve got answers

User Registration and profile

How do I create an account on Ninthgrid?
What do I do if I forget my password?
How do I edit my Profile information?
Is it possible to delete my account?
Can I use my account on multiple devices?

Image search & Download

How do i search for images on Ninthgrid?
What is the process for obtaining permission for special use cases?
Is it mandatory to have an account to be able to browse image?
Is there a limit on the number of images i can download as a user?
Can i download images for free or does it come at a cost?
Can i save an image on the Ninthgrid platform and download later?
Can I create collections of my favorite images?
Is there a way to report inappropriate or offensive images?
Can I connect with or follow my favorite creators on NinthGrid?
Are there categories or tags to help me find specific types of images?

User subscription and Image purchase

How do I purchase images on Ninthgrid?
How can I subscribe to Ninthgrid as a user?
What benefits do I get as a subscribed user?
How much does a subscription cost?
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
What happens if my subscription expires?
What payment methods are accepted?
Are there any restrictions on image usage after purchase?
Can I get a refund for image purchases?
Do purchased images have watermarks?
Are there discounts for bulk image purchases?
What resolution and file formats are available for downloaded images?
How can I track my image purchase history?
Is there customer support available for image-related inquiries?
Can I upgrade or change my subscription plan?

User management and reporting

Updating profile information:
Forgot password:
Changing username:
Managing notifications:
Security of personal information:
Deleting account:
Reporting inappropriate content:
Multiple accounts:
User badges/achievements:
Contacting customer support:

Creators Registartion and Profile

How do I kickstart my journey as a creator on NinthGrid?
Is there a registration fee for creators on NinthGrid?
What details are essential during the creator registration process?
Can I register as both a photographer and contributor on NinthGrid?
What key elements should I highlight in my profile for maximum impact?
Is it possible to update or modify my profile information post-registration?
How does NinthGrid ensure the security of my personal information?

Creators image upload and Management

How do I explore other creator’s work on NinthGrid?
As a contributor, can i remove images i have already submitted?
Can I like or favorite images that I enjoy?
Is there a way to comment on or provide feedback for images?
How do I share images from NinthGrid on social media?
Can I create collections of my favorite images?
What privacy settings are available for the images I interact with?
How can I discover new and trending images on the platform?
Can I connect with or follow my favorite creators on NinthGrid?
Can I see the details and description of an image?
Are there suggestions for categories or tags to help me find specific types of images?
Is there a feature to discover images based on my preferences?
What do I do if I encounter technical issues while uploading my images?
Can I see who downloaded my images?
Is there a limit to the number of images I can upload at once?
What analytics tools are available for creators to analyze their performance?